In-home family support on the DD Waiver are services provided to a person and his/her family (including extended family members who do provide licensed foster care) in the family’s home and/or in the community to enable the person to remain in or return to the home. This includes training of the person and family members to increase their capabilities to care for and maintain the person in the home.
This includes assistance with acquisition, retention, and improvement in skills such as:
- Bed making and household chores
- Eating and the preparation of food
- Personal grooming and cleanliness
- Social and adaptive skills necessary to enable the individual to reside in a non-institutional setting.
Examples of services include:
- Communication
- Community participation and mobility
- Health care, leisure and recreation
- Household chores
- Interpersonal skills
- Money management
- Reduction or elimination of maladaptive behavior
- Sensory and motor development
For more information, you may call us at 763-354-1108 or submit the referral form online.